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Английский Этимологический словарь - retire


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- 1533, from M.Fr. retirer, from re- "back" + O.Fr. tirer "to draw." Originally "go back;" sense of "leave an occupation" first recorded 1667.
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  ~ v 1 »FROM WORK« a) to stop work at the end of your working life  (He retired when he was 65.) + from  (After retiring from the army it took William a long time to adjust to civilian life. | retire early (=retire before the usual age)) b) T usually passive to dismiss someone and pay them a pension, especially because of illness  (The manager was retired on half salary.) 2 »TO A QUIET PLACE« formal to go away to a quiet place  (He often retires to his country home to work on his book. | The jury has retired to consider its verdict.) 3 »FROM A GAME« to stop competing in a game or race because you are losing or injured  (He was forced to retire from the competition due to a leg injury.) 4 »TO BED« literary to go to bed 5 »ARMY« to move back from a battle after being defeated  (The army retired to regroup for a fresh attack.)  (- compare retreat1 (2)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (retires, retiring, retired) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When older people retire, they leave their job and usually stop working completely. At the age when most people retire, he is ready to face a new career... In 1974 he retired from the museum. VERB: V, V from n 2. When a sports player retires from their sport, they stop playing in competitions. When they retire from a race or a match, they stop competing in it. I have decided to retire from Formula One racing at the end of the season... VERB: V from n 3. If you retire to another room or place, you go there. (FORMAL) Eisenhower left the White House and retired to his farm in Gettysburg. VERB: V to n 4. When a jury in a court of law retires, the members of it leave the court in order to decide whether someone is guilty or innocent. The jury will retire to consider its verdict today. VERB: V 5. When you retire, you go to bed. (FORMAL) She retires early most nights, exhausted... Some time after midnight, he retired to bed. VERB: V, V to n 6. see also retired, retiring ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  (~d; retiring)  Etymology: Middle French ~r, from re- + tirer to draw  Date: 1533  intransitive verb  1. to withdraw from action or danger ; retreat  2. to withdraw especially for privacy ~d to her room  3. to move back ; recede  4. to withdraw from one's position or occupation ; conclude one's working or professional career  5. to go to bed  transitive verb  1. withdraw: as  a. to march (a military force) away from the enemy  b. to withdraw from circulation or from the market ; recall ~ a bond  c. to withdraw from usual use or service  2. to cause to ~ from one's position or occupation  3.  a. to put out (a batter or batsman) in baseball or cricket  b. to cause (a side) to end a turn at bat in baseball  4. to win permanent possession of (as a trophy)  5. to pay in full ; settle ~ a debt ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 a intr. leave office or employment, esp. because of age (retire from the army; retire on a pension). b tr. cause (a person) to retire from work. 2 intr. withdraw; go away; retreat. 3 intr. seek seclusion or shelter. 4 intr. go to bed. 5 tr. withdraw (troops). 6 intr. & tr. Cricket (of a batsman) voluntarily end or be compelled to suspend one's innings (retired hurt). 7 tr. Econ. withdraw (a bill or note) from circulation or currency. Phrases and idioms retire from the world become a recluse. retire into oneself become uncommunicative or unsociable. retiring age the age at which most people normally retire from work. Derivatives retirer n. Etymology: F retirer (as RE-, tirer draw) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) изымать из обращения 2) выкупать; оплачивать RETIRE гл. 1) а) общ. уходить, удаляться, перемещаться куда-л.; возвращаться на обычное место, ретироваться to retire for the night — отправляться спать At the end of the meal, we all retired to the garden. — После обеда мы все вышли в сад. Syn: withdraw б) юр. удаляться на совещание (о составе суда или присяжных) 2) эк. тр. оставлять (должность), увольнять(ся); уходить в отставку; выходить на пенсию to retire from government — выходить из правительства Jim's uncle retired from the railway company. — Дядя Джима уволился из железнодорожной компании. Syn: "leave 3) фин. изымать (из обращения); выкупать; погашать to retire a bill — погашать вексель to retire debts — погашать долги 4) эк. выводить исключать из числа действующих (напр., об оборудовании); демонтировать See: retirement RETIRE гл. 1) а) общ. уходить, удаляться, перемещаться куда-л.; возвращаться на обычное место, ретироваться to retire for the night — отправляться спать At the end of the meal, we all retired to the garden. — После обеда мы все вышли в сад. Syn: withdraw б) юр. удаляться на совещание (о составе суда или присяжных) 2) эк. тр. оставлять (должность), увольнять(ся); уходить в отставку; выходить на пенсию to retire from government — выходить из правительства Jim's uncle retired from the railway company....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. удаляться, уходить to retire from the room —- уйти из комнаты to retire from sight —- исчезнуть из вида as science advances, superstition retires —- по мере развития науки исчезают предрассудки 2. ложиться спать to retire to bed (to rest, for the night) —- пойти спать, удалиться на покой we soon retired —- мы скоро легли спать 3. воен. отходить we retired to prepared positions behind the river —- мы отошли на заранее подготовленные позиции за рекой 4. воен. отвести (войска и т. п.) to retire a weapon —- снимать (оружие) с вооружения the French retired their heavy guns —- французы отвели тяжелую артиллерию 5. оставлять должность; уходить в отставку to retire on a pension —- уйти на пенсию he retired from his post before the normal age —- он ушел со своего поста раньше, чем положено по возрасту 6. спорт. покинуть поле; сойти (с дистанции) the batsman retired hurt —- бэтсмен ушел с поля из-за травмы 7. увольнять в отставку; переводить на пенсию 8. уединяться to retire from the world —- уйти от мира to retire into oneself —- уходить в себя 9. фин. изымать из обращения 10. фин. выкупать, оплачивать (вексель) 11. в грам. знач. сущ.: отход to sound the retire —- воен. дать сигнал отхода; играть отбой ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. v.  1) удаляться, уходить; to retire for the night - ложиться спать; At the end of the meal, we all retired to the garden.  2) оставлять (должность); уходить в отставку; Jims uncle retired from the railway company.  3) уединяться; to retire into oneself - уходить в себя; He retired from the world and considered his own inner development.  4) mil. отступать; дать приказ об отступлении; The soldiers received orders to retire from the positions that they had just won.  5) увольнять(ся)  6) econ. изымать из обращения Syn: fall asleep, go to sleep, hit the hay, hit the sack, turn in see leave  2. noun mil. приказ об отступлении; сигнал отхода; отбой RETIRE on ones laurels почить на лаврах; ...
Англо-русский словарь


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